Paul Wilson
Your Body Is Made Of Cells -- Make Sure They’re Protected
People have been trying to beat the effects of aging since, well, since people started aging
Paul Wilson
Why Do You Gain Weight When You’re Older?
If you’re older and struggle to keep off unwanted body fat, these simple explanations about how the body changes over time could shed some light on frustrating weight gain.
Paul Wilson
5 “Brain Hacks” To Boost Your Cognitive Strength Today
Ever walk into a room and have trouble remembering why you did it? Have you ever blanked on the name of a friend you definitely should know? Or do you ever find yourself starting a sentence and then struggling to remember what you wanted to say? These are all signs of an annoying yet very real issue with millions of Americans called “brain fog
Brian Bigelow
What Religion Does To Your Brain
Whether or not there really is an Almighty may be a matter of debate, but the neurophysiological effects of having a religious belief is a matter of science and can be measured
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